Reality Check

Is this reality on? Check, check, one... two... Can you hear me in the back okay?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Homeless, Jobless, Insuranceless, Dogless

I guess I'm just missing having a "normal" life, but here is something interesting about my life right now and that is that I am not living anywhere but everywhere.

At a hip-hop bar in Kyoto.

Where do I call home? Wherever "the one bag" is. It has all my stuff in it. Therefore, "Home is where my stuff is." I suppose that if this were true then my home is the
storage unit in Ellensburg (Vote Hubbard) because that is where 99% of my stuff is stored. *sigh*

I have had a lot of time to think, and you just don't get a lot of time to think about stuff, life, etc., when you are in the midst of a career and having a life and all that. But when I think about getting a job, or doing the process of actually seeking a job,
the only job that I want to look for is one in radio. The more I think about it the more I am convinced that I need to get back into radio and I want a radio job in a city. Seattle or Portland would be great and if I had my druthers I would choose Portland, but wherever the job is, that looks appealing, I will go. I am trying to be careful of what I wish for.

Here's a reality check for you. When was the last time you went to the doctor or to the dentist and paid for it all out of your own pocket without the help of insurance? Let me tell you it is really freakin' expensive.

I've been having a little pain in one of my teeth
so I went in today to get it checked out. Seems that the root of a crowned tooth is ready to give up and is swelling causing pain. Joy. So I need to have a... root canal! And what is the estimated cost of said root canal? Oh, around 1,400 bucks. Shit. So, needless to say, either I pony up the bucks or slowly, or possibly quickly, end up in a lot of pain... with a swollen face and eye. Christians have been screaming about the end being nearer than ever, maybe it will happen before I have to shell out the money.

I miss my dog.


At 10/31/2006 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will do any operation containing both "root" and "(c)anal" for $69.95.

At 11/01/2006 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dazey is soooooo cute.
Sounds like a little dipression is setting in. Please tell us some good things! you need joy in your life. Take a day off from thinking, Do somethin exciting.
No I guess there isn't much to do that can compare to what youv'e already done.

At 11/01/2006 10:14 AM, Blogger npod said...

"The only job that I want to look for is one in radio." So are you looking yet? How about going to Budapest for the rest of the year, then start off the new year by looking for your radio job? WSU grad students get health care coverage. I hadn't been to the dentist in almost 3 yrs, I had fillings that were falling out, a cracked tooth. If your thinking about grad school talk to as many grad students as you can find.


At 11/01/2006 4:37 PM, Blogger David Stephen Ball-Romney said...

So you've become a "Ranger" instead of a "Paladin" or "Cleric" -- that's still good, right?

At 11/01/2006 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how to stop all this thinking your doing. Come on over and rake my bundle of leaves and
put more plastic on my big inside window How is that for a minute of relief. No, Oh well I tried.
Just thought I could help.
Love you Thom

At 11/02/2006 10:45 AM, Blogger Thom said...

note to self: get to mom and dads house asap.

At 11/02/2006 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is right!
Listen to your Mother, Thom.
Raking leaves clears the mind.
Good for the sole
I Bet Daisy would like it too.
Besides if da world ends, wouldn't ya be pissed if ya missed out seeing yer folks, & yer lil dog.
Family is important.
Ya don't know what ya got till it is gone.

At 11/03/2006 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen to your mom and the beer man. They know best. And when you're done with their leaves.....there's always my yard....

At 11/04/2006 4:59 PM, Blogger Nina said...

Hokay. so this is how it works. when you try to solve some problem like find a job, write a novel, make your best friend date you you think about ways to make it happen even when you don't. on subconscious level your mind works full time. that's why one day you wake up and voila! the solution/idea is already there. advice from future rich and famous psychologist: don't think too much. rake the bundle of leaves. hmmm I'm so drunk that it sounded really zen. And I'm not zen. far too european for that:P


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