Reality Check

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Buying A Motorcycle!

I feel almost normal today. Still some brief bits of wooziness but decided to give the whole bike search a real go. Coho (Hi Coho!) sent me a link to a bike shop that will buy back the bike as long as it's in good shape when you return. Plus it is within easy walking distance. So I went there today and found an awesome Honda ST1100 for $7000 AUD or about $5400 USD. It runs great! They don't dicker on the price if you do the buy back program, fair enough. I put down $500 so they don't sell it and now I need to figure out how to get them my money without having to deal with excessive credit card fees. I talked to the mechanic who worked on it and he likes the bike and said it still has plenty of go left in her. It has 190,000 KM, and he thinks it has at least another 60,000 KM to go. Sweet! He changed the oil, new filters for oil and gas, new tires, new brake pads, and a tune up! I also bought a helmet, jacket, and gloves. The total comes to $7395.00 and I'm on the road. I can't wait.


At 5/05/2006 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not just on the wrong side of the earth for her to keep an eye on you, but buying a motorcycle too. Your Mom's gonna plotz!

How about that metric system, eh? 190,000 kilometres, that's like 200 miles, right?

Ride safe(ly).

At 5/05/2006 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS. You should also get some stout shoes, Crocs are not riding gear.


At 5/05/2006 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That kicks ass! What a great way to see what you want, when you want to and whole heck of a lot of it. Glad you're back on the healthy bus. Keep us updated - its fun to see what you're up to. Enjoy!


At 5/05/2006 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy and be safe!
Love Ya!

At 5/05/2006 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So good that you finally got your motorcycle....
I remember one trip on Hana Road where you constantly talked about driving that road whith a motorcycle would be sooooo coool!!!!! Enjoy!!!


At 5/05/2006 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats! I always thought an ST1100 was the bike for me. You'll haved to tell me how you like it after you've put some time in the saddle.


At 5/05/2006 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks good // glad you are back and feeling better.

phil says its a hell of a bike, we would love to hear how it compares to the concourse especially after an iron butt day

be safeeeeeeeeeeeeee and be well

At 5/05/2006 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet Bike! You look really good on it.Glad your better! Take more time to rest Your are a man of leisure now.

Be Safe Have Fun!

Love ya Sis

At 5/07/2006 1:24 AM, Blogger Thom said...

Thanks everyone. I think that the bike will serve me well. VrrrroOOOOOooommmmm!

At 5/10/2006 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Thom the last two times i've writen haven't gone through! Hope your butt is doing as well as you, the bike and your bag!

Be safe!!!!
Love ya Mary


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