Reality Check

Is this reality on? Check, check, one... two... Can you hear me in the back okay?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Can't Upload Photos

Sorry. I can't upload photos from this computer at the hostel so I may have to go to an internet cafe for that. I filmed the sun setting last night and it was grand. The hostel thing ain't all that bad either.



At 4/07/2006 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hostels are awesome for the genetically friendly. Great place to meet and greet. Can't wait to hear about snorkling...why live unless one can spend time under water. Leroy heads to the big island Sunday with his kids/mom for a week.

At 4/07/2006 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Content Provider!
We want pictures! Some of us are working our asses off back in the real world and are relying on you as someone through whom to bask in the tropics vicariously. Hie thyself to an internet cafe, vagabond, and entertain us.

Seriously, man, help a brother out.

At 4/08/2006 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get out of the Hotel. Live like the natives. LOL. Even if it is under the stars. Did you get a lay? Come on. Lets hear the juicy stuff. Are ya having any fun? How is the beer?

At 4/08/2006 3:07 PM, Blogger Thom said...

Marie - I'm really enjoying my stay at the hostel. I've met some very interesting people from all over the world.

Coho - I already bitched to them ever so nicely to no avail. I'm at a book store a few blocks from the hostel right now. It's a nice place with good coffee.

Anon - No lays yet but I did get to smell some flowers. ;)


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